Learner's Guide

ℹ️ This page guides learners on the site's registration and module enrollment processes.

How to Register

Learners need to register first to use the site.

  1. On the front page, click ?️ on the "Register Now" button to get started. You will then be redirected to the registration page.
  2. Fill in all required forms. The type of user registration must be set to "Learner". After filling up the required fields, click ?️ on the "CREATE MY NEW ACCOUNT" button to complete the registration. 
  3. Check your email ? and verify the registration. Clicking ?️ the "verify" link will redirect you to your dashboard.

Enroll in a Module

All users registered as "Learners" will be automatically enrolled in a course, Out-of-School Youth Information System (OSYIS). The course can be accessed when logged in and thru the dashboard.

Learners will need to complete the Learner's Profile to proceed with the module enrollment. Once complete, learners will be automatically enrolled in Module 1. Succeeding modules will also be automatically enrolled once a preceding module is complete. The entire process is illustrated below ⬇️.